🧠 This is a goodbye 👋

Good morning patient - Arsen here. ☕

You’ve read the title. This is likely the last email from me.

Let me explain. 👇

When I started this newsletter 18 months ago, it was a way for me to escape the social media noise.

I got really fed up with my social media home feed being full of “BREAKING” headlines, fake news, and engagement farming. It all felt very tiresome.

I wanted a place to write down my Bitcoin thoughts in peace, without the fast-paced noise of social media. Just pure signal, delivered in a digestible and entertaining way.

And so the Bitcoin Therapy newsletter was born (a fitting name, considering that writing this thing has been really therapeutic for me).

But for the last few months, writing these emails has felt like a chore, an obligation, a weekly deadline that never lets me fully relax and “clock off.”

And if there’s one thing I’ve learned after 7 years in Bitcoin, it’s that Bitcoin is NOT the ultimate asset.

Time is.

You have a limited amount of it on this planet. So when you’re doing anything, ask yourself: is this worth my time?

And it has become clear to me that spending 25+ hours a week writing this newsletter is not how I want to spend my short time here.

Instead, I want to focus more on my health and relationships. Because, at the end of the day, those are the only things that matter.

So, is this the end of the Bitcoin Therapy newsletter?

In its current format, yes.

Will I ever hear from you again?

Of course. I’m not dying, lol.

You can also stay in touch with me on X or LinkedIn (ew, I know). I might also email you here and there if I find something interesting (no promises, though).

And to satisfy your weekly news addiction when I’m gone, I recommend the following newsletters:

They’ll take care of you.

Lastly, thanks for being with me on this journey. I’m still amazed that 8,834 of you tune in weekly to hear my toilet jokes.

I hope you found these emails even 1% as fun as they were for me to write.

Okay, enough rambling.

Arsen checking out 🫡


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